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Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) [Asteraceae] (This includes Western Yarrow, or Achillea millefolium lanulosum. Observations are from Vance, Hoffman, Wyoming Agr. Exp. Sta., Hottes & Frison, Wagner, Campbell et al., Cranshaw, Blackman & Eastop, Wheeler et al., Gangwere, Vickery & Kevan, Pepper, Robinson & Bradley, Lisberg & Young, Natural History Museum, ScaleNet, Wilhelm & Rericha, Williams, Baranowski & Slater) Coleoptera (Beetles) Mordellidae: Mordellina pustulata [larvae bore through stems] LY2003, Mordellistena cervicalis [larvae bore through stems] LY2003, Mordellistena pulchra [larvae bore through stems] LY2003 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Coreidae: Euthochtha galeator [feeds on stems, polyphagous] Wm2004 BS1986, Leptoglossus phyllopus [polyphagous] BS1986; Miridae: Lopidea media WHM1983, Lygus vanduzeei WHM1983, Megalocoleus molliculus WHM1983, Orthocephalus coriaceus WHM1983, Plagiognathus politus WHM1983; Lygaeidae: Stygnocoris rusticus [eats seeds, preferred host plant, introduced from Europe] Hof1996 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Aphis middletonii (Erigeron Root Aphid) [aphid is found on underground stems & roots; syn. Protaphis middletonii] Pp1965 RB1965, Brachycaudus helichrysi (Leafcurl Plum Aphid) Crw2004 Pp1965, Coloradoa achilleae [found on leaves of Yarrow in North Carolina, introduced from Europe] BE2013, Macrosiphoniella frigidicola HF1931, Macrosiphoniella millefolii (Yarrow Aphid) [found on inflorescences especially, Yarrow is a preferred host plant; introduced into North America from Eurasia] BE2013 Pp1965, Macrosiphoniella pennsylvanica [found in Pennsylvania & Manitoba] BE2013 Pp1965 RB1965, Macrosiphoniella tapuskae HF1931 Pp1965, Pleotrichophorus hottesi [found in North Carolina, Manitoba, & Colorado] BE2013, Pleotrichophorus patonkus [observed in Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee] HF1931 BE2013, Pleotrichophorus pseudopatonkus [found in NE USA, north-central USA, & New Brunswick] BE2013 Pp1965, Uroleucon ambrosiae (Brown Ambrosia Aphid) [reports of this aphid on Yarrow may involve misidentification] Crw2004 HF1931, Uroleucon stoetzelae [found in Pennsylvania] BE2013; Pseudococcidae: Pseudococcus sorghiellus (Trochanter Mealybug) [polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in eastern USA] SN2014 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Geometridae: Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria (Blackberry Looper) [larvae feed on flowers] Wg2005 NHM2010, Eupithecia absinthiata (Wormwood Pug) [larvae feed on flowers] NHM2010, Eupithecia miserulata (Common Pug) [larvae feed on flowers] Wg2005, Synchlora aerata (Wavy-lined Emerald) [larvae feed on flowers] Wg2005; Noctuidae: Agrotis volubilis (Voluble Dart) [early instars prefer Yarrow] NHM2010, Cryptocala acadiensis (Catocaline Dart) [polyphagous] NHM2010, Heliothis phloxiphaga (Darker-spotted Straw) [larvae feed on flowers, polyphagous] NHM2010, Lacinipolia olivacea (Olive Arches) [polyphagous; this moth is found in NE USA, SE Canada, and far western areas] NHM2010, Orthodes cynica (Cynical Quaker) NHM2010, Papaipema nebris (Stalk Borer Moth) [polyphagous] NHM2010, Paradiarsia littoralis (Labrador Dart) [polphagous; this moth is found in boreal areas of northern USA & southern Canada] NHM2010, Pseudorthodes vecors (Small Brown Quaker) [polyphagous] NHM2010, Trichordestra legitima (Striped Garden Caterpillar) [polyphagous] NHM2010 Orthoptera (Grasshoppers) Acrididae: Campylacantha olivacea (Fuzzy Olive-Green Grasshopper) [preferred host plant] Cmp1974, Hesperotettix speciosus (Western Grass-Green Grasshopper) Cmp1974, Hesperotettix viridis (Meadow Purple-Striped Grasshopper) Cmp1974, Hippiscus ocelote (Wrinkled Grasshopper) Cmp1974, Hypochlora alba (Cudweed Grasshopper) [minor host plant] Cmp1974, Melanoplus bivittatus (Two-Striped Grasshopper) Cmp1974, Melanoplus borealis borealis (Northern Grasshopper) [minor host plant] Wy1994, Melanoplus bruneri (Bruner's Spur-throated Grasshopper) VK1985, Melanoplus confusus (Little Pasture Grasshopper) [preferred host plant, both field & lab observations] Cmp1974 Ggw1961, Melanoplus dawsoni (Dawson's Grasshopper) Wy1994, Melanoplus femurrubrum (Red-Legged Grasshopper) [preferred host plant] Cmp1974, Melanoplus keeleri luridus (Keeler's Grasshopper) Cmp1974, Melanoplus sanguinipes (Migratory Grasshopper) Cmp1974, Melanoplus scudderi latus (Scudder's Shortwinged Grasshopper) Cmp1974; Oecanthidae: Oecanthus quadripunctatus (Four-Spotted Tree Cricket) [feeds on flowerheads, field observations] Ggw1961; Tettigoniidae: Atlanticus testaceus (Protean Shieldback) [feeds on flowers, field & lab observations] Ggw1967, Conocephalus strictus (Straight-Lanced Meadow Katydid) [nymphs feed on flowerheads, field observations] Ggw1961 Thysanoptera (Thrips) Thripidae: Frankliniella tritici [found on flowers] Van1974 WR2017 |
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