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____________ Insects Feeding on these Plants: ____________ |
Fagus spp. (Beech) [Fagaceae] (Observations are from Knight, Rider, Needham et al., Smith, Blackman & Eastop, Majka et al., Cranshaw, ScaleNet, Nakahara) Coleoptera (Beetles) Buprestidae: Brachys aeruginosus [leaf-miner] Ndm1928; Chrysomelidae: Odontota dorsalis (Locust Leafminer) Ndm1928; Curculionidae: Otiorhynchus singularis [polyphagous; this Eurasian insect is found in NE USA & SE Canada] MAM2007; Scolytidae: Monarthrum mali (Apple Wood Stainer) [polyphagous, this insect is widely distributed] MAM2007, Xyleborus sayi [polyphagous, this insect is found in NE USA & SE Canada] MAM2007, Xyloterinus politus [this insect is found in NE & north-central USA, & Canada] MAM2007 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Acanthosomatidae: Elasmucha lateralis Rid2009; Miridae: Lygocoris hirticulus Kn1941 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Grylloprociphilus imbricator (Beech Blight Aphid) [found on small branches & leaf undersides, winter host] Crw2004, Phyllaphis fagi (Woolly Beech Aphid) [found on leaf undersides, especially on young leaves; distributed in E USA & SE Canada, introduced into North America from Eurasia] BE2013 Crw2004; Diaspididae: Diaspidiotus ancylis (Putnam Scale) [found on leaves, sometimes bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Diaspidiotus osborni (Osborn Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is found in E USA & Ontario] SN2014, Diaspidiotus ostreaeformis (False San Jose Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in N USA & S Canada, also in Eurasia, where it is native] SN2014, Lepidosaphes ulmi (Oystershell Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA, S Canada, & Eurasia] SN2014, Melanaspis obscura (Obscure Scale) [found on bark; this insect occurs in E USA & California] SN2014; Eriococcidae: Cryptococcus fagisuga (Beech Scale) [found on bark] Crw2004; Pseudococcidae: Heliococcus osborni (Osborn Mealybug) [polyphagous, mostly found on woody vegetation] SN2014, Peliococcus serratus (Beech Mealybug) [found in crevices & scarred areas of bark; this insect is widely distributed in NE USA] SN2014 Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, & Saw Flies) Siricidae: Tremex columba (Pigeon Tremex) [larvae bore into wood, polyphagous] Sm2006; Xyphydriidae: Xiphydria tibialis [larvae bore into small branches, polyphagous] Sm2006 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Bucculatricidae: Bucculatrix packardella [leaf-miner or leaf-roller] Ndm1928 Thysanoptera (Thrips) Thripidae: Thrips calcaratus [polyphagous, feeds on buds & leaves] Nk1994 |
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