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____________ Insects Feeding on these Plants: ____________ |
Pinus spp. (Pine) [Pinaceae] (Observations are from Hoffman, Yanega, Knight, Wagner, Dmitriev & Dietrich, Microleps website, Rider, Marshall, Bouseman & Sternburg, Covell, Smith, Blackman & Eastop, Hamilton, Miller, Pepper, Majka et al., Cranshaw, ScaleNet) Coleoptera (Beetles) Buprestidae: Chalcophora virginiensis (Flat-Headed Pine Heartwood Borer) Msh2006; Cerambycidae: Acmaeops discoidea Ya1996, Amniscus sexguttata [found under bark], Arhopalus foveicolle [larvae bore through bases of dead trees] Ya1996, Arhopalus rusticus obsoletus [larvae bore through bases & roots of dead trees] Ya1996, Asemum striatus [larvae bore through wood of recently dead trees] Ya1996, Brachyleptura champlaini Msh2006 Ya1996, Callidium schotti [found under bark] Ya1996, Callidium violaceus [found under bark, intro. from Europe] Ya1996, Ceratographis biguttata [bores through branches] Ya1996, Clytus marginicollis [found under bark of broken branches] Ya1996, Cyrtophorus verrucosum [larvae bore through wood of dead trees] Ya1996, Distenia undata Ya1996, Eupogonius tomentosa Ya1996, Goes pulverulentus (Living Beech Borer) [larvae bore through heartwood of living trees] Ya1996, Gnathacmaeops pratensis Ya1996, Heterachthes ebenus [larvae bore through dead branches] Ya1996, Leptura plebeja Ya1996, Leptura subhamata [larvae bore through decaying wood] Msh2006 Ya1996, Monochamus carolinensis [larvae bore through wood of dead & dying trees] Ya1996, Monochamus mutator (Spotted Pine Sawyer) [larvae bore through wood of dead & dying trees] Ya1996, Monochamus notatus (Northeast Sawyer) [larvae bore through wood of dead & dying trees] Msh2006 Ya1996, Monochamus scutellatus scutellatus (White-spotted Sawyer) [larvae bore through wood of dead & dying trees] Msh2006 Ya1996 Crw2004, Monochamus titillator (Southern Pine Sawyer) [larvae bore through wood of dead & dying trees] Ya1996, Neacanthocinus obsoletus [larvae found in bark of dead & dying trees] Ya1996, Phymatodes testaceus (Tanbark Borer) [larvae found in & under bark] Ya1996, Prionus pocularis [larvae bore through wood of dead logs & stumps] Ya1996, Rhagium inquisitor (Ribbed Pine Borer) [larvae bore into cambium of dead trees] Msh2006 Ya1996, Sachalinobia rugipennis rugipennis Ya1996, Stictoleptura canadensis (Red-Shouldered Pine Borer) Msh2006, Spondylis upiformis [probably feeds on roots] Ya1996, Strangalepta pubera Ya1996, Tetropium schwarzianum Ya1996, Tilloclytus geminatus [larvae bore through dead branches] Ya1996, Tragosoma depsarius (Hairy Pine Borer) [larvae bore through sapwood of decaying logs] Ya1996, Tylocerina nodosus [larvae found in bark of dead & dying trees] Ya1996, Typocerus lugubris Ya1996, Typocerus sparsus [larvae bore through decaying wood] Ya1996, Xylotrechus sagittatus sagittatus Ya1996; Curculionidae: Hylobius congener (Seedling Debarking Beetle) [girdles seedlings while feeding] Msh2006, Hylobius pales (Pale's Weevil) Msh2006, Hylobius radicis (Pine Root Collar Beetle) Msh2006, Ips calligraphus (Six-spined Engraver) Crw2004, Ips grandicollis (Southern Pine Engraver) [this insect is widely distributed] MAM2007, Ips pini (Pine Engraver) [larvae bore through phloem] Crw2004, Magdalis perforata [this insect is found in E USA & SE Canada] MAM2007, Pissodes approximatus (Northern Pine Weevil) [larvae develop in stumps & recently killed trees] Crw2004, Pissodes nemorensis (Eastern Pine Weevil) [this insect is found in SE Canada & scattered areas of E USA] MAM2007, Tomicus piniperda (Pine Shoot Beetle) [intro. into N. America from Europe] Msh2006; Scolytidae: Crypturgus borealis [this insect is found in N USA & Canada] MAM2007, Dendroctonus valens (Red Turpentine Beetle) [larvae bore through phloem of lower trunks & roots, found on hard pines] Crw2004, Dryocoetes autographus (Hairy Spruce Bark Beetle) [this insect is found in N USA & Canada] MAM2007, Hylurgops porculus [this insect is found in E & central USA, SE & south-central Canada] MAM2007, Hylurgops rugipennis pinifex [this insect is widely distributed in the USA & S Canada] MAM2007, Orthotomicus caelatus [this insect is found in N USA & Canada] MAM2007, Xyleborinus saxeseni (Fruit-tree Pinhole Borer) [polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed] MAM2007 Diptera (Flies) Cecidomyiidae: Cecidomyia piniinopis (Gouty Pitch Midge) [larvae develop in resinous pits near the tips of twigs; Pinus banksiana is a host] Crw2004, Cecidomyia resinicola (Jack Pine Resin Midge) [larvae develop in pine pitch] Msh2006 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Lygaeidae: Eremocoris depressus [eats seeds of cones, restricted to southern tip of Illinois] Hof1996; Miridae: Deraeocoris albigulus Kn1941, Phytocoris angustifrons Kn1941; Pentatomidae: Coenus delia Rid2009, Euschistus servus [polyphagous] Rid2009, Euschistus tristigma tristigma Rid2009, Euschistus variolarius [polyphagous] Rid2009; Scutelleridae: Tetyra bipunctata Rid2009 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Cinara atlantica [found on new growth & bark of twigs at needle bases; occurs mostly on pines of subsection Australes] BE2013, Cinara pergandei [found on twigs & new shoots of pines in subsections Australes & Contortae; distributed in E USA & Canada] BE2013, Cinara pinea (Large Pine Aphid) [found on new shoots, introduced from Europe into North America] BE2013 Pp1965, Cinara pinivora [found on the twigs of pines in the Australes & Contortae subsections; distributed in E USA & Canada] BE2013, Cinara taedae [found on pines in subsections Australes & Contortae; occurs southward from Pennsylvania] BE2013 Pp1965, Cinara watsoni [found on new growth or near tips of last year's shoots, especially on pines of subsection Australes; distributed in E USA] BE2013, Essigella pini [found mostly on needles of pines in subsection Australes] BE2013, Eulachnus agilis (Spotted Pine Need Aphid) Pp1965, Eulachnus rileyi (Pine Needle Aphid) [found on needles of both Old & New World pines, this aphid was introduced into North America from Eurasia] BE2013 Pp1965, Prociphilus carolinensis [found on pine roots about 3-4 ft. below the ground surface; this aphid has been observed in North Carolina & Manitoba] BE2013, Prociphilus piniradicivorus [found on roots & trunks of pine trees; observed in North Carolina, Maryland, & Indiana] BE2013, Schizolachnus parvus [found among pine needles, causing a bluish bloom; observed in Minnesota, Pennsylvania, & Washington, D.C.] BE2013 Pp1965, Schizolachnus piniradiatae (Woolly Pine Needle Aphid) [found among pine needles, providing them with a gray coating; observed in Illinois, Michigan, & Canada] BE2013; Cercopidae: Aphrophora cribata (Pine Spittlebug) [syn. Aphrophora cribatus, found from Canada to Georgia] Msh2006 Hm1982, Clastoptera obtusa (Alder Spittlebug) [fed on by adults only] Hm1982, Clastoptera testacea Hm1982; Cicadellidae: Erythridula abolla [polyphagous] DD2010; Diaspididae: Acutaspis morrisonorum (Round Conifer Scale) [found in E USA & SE Canada] SN2014, Chionaspis heterophyllae (Pine Scurfy Scale) [found on needles; this insect occurs in E USA, along the Pacific Coast of the USA, & Canada] SN2014, Chionaspis pinifoliae (Pine Needle Scale) [found on needles; this insect is widely distributed throughout the USA] SN2014 Msh2006 Crw2004, Diaspidiotus juglansregiae (English Walnut Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Diaspidiotus mccombi (McComb Pine Scale) [found on needles, usually hidden within their basal sheaths; this insect occurs in Maryland, Pennsylvania, & areas south] SN2014, Dynaspidiotus abietis [this scale insect occurs in many areas of E USA, it was introduced from Eurasia] SN2014; Pseudococcidae: Dysmicoccus milleri (Miller Mealybug) [found under bark flakes during autumn; this insect has been found in SE USA as far north as Maryland] SN2014, Pseudococcus comstocki (Comstock Mealybug) [found on foliage, including lower side of leaves; polyphagous, feeding on woody vegetation; this insect is widely distributed in NE & north-central USA, it is also found in Ontario] SN2014 Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, & Sawflies) Diprionidae: Diprion similis (Introduced Pine Sawfly) Msh2006, Neodiprion lecontei (Red-Headed Pine Sawfly) [larvae feed on leaves] Sm2006, Neodiprion sertifer (European Pine Sawfly) [larvae feed on leaves; found on Pinus sylvestris, Pinus mugo, Pinus banksiana, & Pinus resinosa; syn. Neodiprion sertifera] Msh2006 Sm2006 Crw2004; Pamphiliidae: Acantholyda angulata [larvae form webs over leaves] Sm2006, Acantholyda circumcincta [larvae form webs over leaves] Sm2006, Acantholyda erythrocephala (Pine False Webworm) [intro. into N. America from abroad] Msh2006 Sm2006, Acantholyda maculiventris [larvae form webs over leaves] Sm2006, Acantholyda ruficeps [larvae form webs over leaves] Sm2006, Acantholyda tesselata [larvae form webs over leaves] Sm2006, Acantholyda zappei [larvae form webs over leaves] Sm2006, Cephalcia marginata [larvae form webs over leaves] Sm2006; Siricidae: Sirex areolatus [larvae bore into wood] Sm2006, Urocerus albicornis [larvae bore into wood] Sm2006; Xyelidae: Xyela alpigena [larvae feed on staminate cones] Sm2006, Xyela bakeri [larvae feed on staminate cones] Sm2006, Xyela gallicaulis [larvae bore into shoots] Sm2006, Xyela minor [larvae feed on staminate cones] Sm2006, Xyela obscura [larvae feed on staminate cones] Sm2006, Xyela styrax [larvae feed on staminate cones] Sm2006 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Cossidae: Givera anna (Anna Carpenterworm) [larvae bore into trunks, found in southern IL] Cv2005; Geometridae: Anacamptodes vellivolata (Large Purplish Gray) [syn. Iridopsis vellivolata, preferred host plants] Cv2005 Wg2005, Hydriomena transfigurata (Transfigured Hydriomena) Cv2005, Hypagyrtis esther (Esther Moth) Cv2005 Wg2005, Macaria bisignata (Red-Headed Inchworm) [syn. Semiothisa bisignata] Cv2005, Macaria transitaria (Blurry Chocolate Angle) [syn. Semiothisa transitaria], Protoboarmia porcelaria (Porcelain Gray) [polyphagous] Cv2005; Lycaenidae: Callophrys niphon (Eastern Pine Elfin) [larvae feed on needles of hard pines] BS2001 Wg2005; Noctuidae: Acronicta oblinita (Smeared Dagger Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Anomogyna badicollis (Northern Variable Dart) [larvae feed on young trees] Cv2005, Elaphria versicolor (Variegated Midget) Cv2005, Feralia comstocki (Comstock's Sallow) Cv2005, Feralia jocosa (Jocose Sallow) Cv2005, Feralia major (Major Sallow) Cv2005 Wg2005, Zale helata (Brown-Spotted Zale) Cv2005 Wg2005, Zale metatoides (Washed-Out Zale) [hard pines only] Wg2005, Zale obliqua (Oblique Zale) Cv2005; Pantheidae: Panthea acronyctoides (Black Zigzag) Wg2005, Panthea furcilla (Eastern Panthea) Cv2005 Wg2005; Pyralidae: Pococera robustella (Pine Webworm) [larvae feed on needles] Crw2004; Saturniidae: Lapara bombycoides (Northern Pine Sphinx) [found in northern IL] Cv2005, Lapara coniferarum (Pine Sphinx) Cv2005; Tortricidae: Amorbia humerosana (White-Lined Leafroller Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Choristoneura fumiferana (Spruce Budworm) Cv2005, Choristoneura pinus (Jack Pine Budworm) Msh2006, Corticivora clarki [this moth is found east of Illinois] Mlr1987, Cydia inopiosa [larvae feed underneath bark; this moth found is found east of Illinois] Mlr1987, Eucosma gloriola (Eastern Pine Shoot Borer Moth) [larvae feed in shoots] Mlr1987, Eucosma tocullionana (White Pine Cone Borer Moth) [larvae feed in cones] Mlr1987, Retinia albicapitana (Northern Pitch Twig Moth) [larvae feed on terminal growth & twigs underneath pitch-blister; this moth is found mostly NE of Illinois] Mlr1987, Rhyacionia buoliana (European Pine Shoot Moth) [larvae feed on terminal growth] Mlr1987, Rhyacionia frustrana (Nantucket Pine Tip Moth) [larvae bore into tips of new shoots of hard pines; this insect is found mostly SE of Illinois] Crw2004; Yponomeutidae: Zelleria haimbachi [forms webs around needles] Mic2010 Orthoptera (Grasshoppers) Gryllidae: Oecanthus pini (Pine Tree Cricket) Msh2006 [causes damage to twigs or bark while laying eggs, consumes soft plant tissues, feeds on small soft-bodied insects] |
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