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____________ Insects Feeding on these Plants: ____________ |
Populus spp. (Poplar, Cottonwood, Aspen) [Salicaceae] (Observations are from Bouseman & Sternburg, Hottes & Frison, Knight, Yanega, Wagner, Marshall, Dmitriev & Dietrich, Microleps website, Rider, Bouseman et al., Clark et al., Covell, MacRae, Needham et al., Smith, Blackman & Eastop, Harms & Grodowitz, Hamilton, Opler & Krizek, Miller, Pepper, Robinson & Bradley, Spencer & Steyskal, Majka et al., Cranshaw, ScaleNet, Nakahara) Coleoptera (Beetles) Buprestidae: Brachys aerosus [larvae are leaf-miners] Ndm1928, Brachys ovatus [larvae are leaf-miners] Ndm1928, Descarpentriesina cyanipes (Eastern Poplar Buprestid) [syn. Poecilonota cyanipes] Msh2006, Dicerca tenebrica (Flat-Headed Poplar Borer) Mcr1991; Cerambycidae: Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Long-horned Beetle) [larvae bore through wood] Crw2004, Grammoptera exigua [larvae bore through dead branches] Ya1996, Grammoptera subargentata Ya1996, Judolia montivagens montivagens Ya1996, Oberea delongi (Poplar Twig Borer) [larvae bore through twigs of living trees] Ya1996, Oberea schaumi (Poplar Branch Borer) [girdles live branches] Ya1996, Plectrodera scalator (Cottonwood Borer) [bores into bark & wood at base of cottonwood & poplar trees] Ya1996 Crw2004, Saperda calcarata (Poplar Borer) [larvae bore through wood of dead & dying poplar, cottonwood, & aspen trees] Ya1996 Crw2004, Saperda inornata (Poplar-Gall Saperda) [forms small galls on live twigs] Ya1996, Xylotrechus annosus annosus [larvae bore through wood of dead & dying trees] Ya1996; Chrysomelidae: Chrysomela crotchi (Aspen Leaf Beetle) [found in NE USA & Canada] HG2009, Chrysomela scripta (Cottonwood Leaf Beetle) [both adults & larvae feed on leaves] Msh2006 Crw2004, Cryptocephalus leucomelas Clk2004, Plagiodera versicolora (Imported Willow Leaf Beetle) [this European beetle is adventive in E. USA & Canada] HG2009, Tricholochmaea perplexa Clk2004; Curculionidae: Cossonus platalea [polyphagous, larvae are found under bark; this insect is found in NE USA & SE Canada] MAM2007, Cryptorhynchus lapathi (Poplar & Willow Borer) [larvae tunnel into twigs] Crw2004, Ellescus ephippiatus [this insect is widely distributed; syn. Tachyerges ephippiatus] MAM2007, Isochnus sequensi [this Eurasian insect is found in NE USA & SE Canada; syn. Isochnus populicola] MAM2007, Phyllobius oblongus (European Snout Weevil) [polyphagous; adults feed on leaves of trees, larvae feed on roots of other plants] MAM2007, Polydrusus cervinus [polyphagous; adults feed on leaves of trees, larvae feed on roots of other plants; this Eurasian insect is found in NE USA & SE Canada] MAM2007, Polydrusus impressifrons (Pale Green Weevil) [introduced into N. America from Europe] Msh2006, Polydrusus sericeus (Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil) [polyphagous; adults feed on leaves of trees & shrubs, larvae feed on roots of other plants; syn. Polydrusus formosus] MAM2007, Rutidosoma decipiens [this insect is found in N USA & Canada] HG2009 MAM2007, Stenoscelis brevis [polyphagous, larvae are found under bark; this insect is widely distributed] MAM2007; Megalopodidae: Zeugophora abnormis [larvae are leaf-miners] Ndm1928, Zeugophora scutellaris [larvae are leaf-miners] Ndm1928; Scolytidae: Trypodendron retusum [this insect is widely distributed] MAM2007 Diptera (Flies) Agromyzidae: Agromyza isolata [larvae are blotch leaf-miners; found in Pennsylvania & Minnesota] SS1986, Hexomyza schineri [larvae form twig galls, probable host plants; found in Massachusetts & Canada] SS1986 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Miridae: Tropidosteptes populi Kn1941; Pentatomidae: Brochymena quadripustulata (Four-Humped Stink Bug) [polyphagous] Rid2009 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Aphis maculatae (Spotted Poplar Aphid) [alternates between dogwood shrubs & poplars] Msh2006 BE2013 Pp1965 RB1965, Chaitophorus populialbae [found on leaf undersides] BE2013, Chaitophorus populicola patchae (Poplar Leaf Aphid) [found on young shoots & developing leaves of poplar & cottonwood trees] HF1931 BE2013 Pp1965 RB1965 Crw2004, Chaitophorus populifolii simpsoni [found on leaves of poplar, cottonwood, & aspen trees] BE2013 Pp1965 RB1965 Crw2004, Chaitophorus stevensis [found on leaves, restricted to aspen & cottonwood] BE2013 Pp1965 RB1965, Mordvilkoja vagabunda (Poplar Vagabond Aphid) RB1965, Pachypappa pseudobyrsa [causes blister-like swellings on leaf midribs; distributed in north-central USA, NE USA, & Canada] HF1931 BE2013 Pp1965, Pemphigus bursarius (Poplar-Lettuce Aphid) [forms yellowish or reddish galls on petioles of poplar leaves, migrating during the summer to the roots of herbaceous plants in the Asteraceae; this aphid is found in north-central & NE USA] BE2013 Crw2004, Pemphigus nortonii Pp1965, Pemphigus populicaulis [forms yellowish green to cream-colored galls on petioles; found in widely scattered areas across central & western North America, including Illinois] BE2013 Pp1965 RB1965, Pemphigus populiglobuli [forms galls on foliage] Msh2006, Pemphigus populitransversus (Poplar Petiole-Gall Aphid) [forms galls on petioles of poplar leaves] HF1931 Pp1965 RB1965, Phloeomyzus passerinii [found on bark & in crevices of trunks on young trees, mainly Eurasian poplars; this Eurasian aphid has been found in Maine] BE2013, Pterocomma bicolor [found on bark of twigs & branches, also found on trunks of young saplings; distributed in NE USA, north-central USA, & Canada, including Illinois] BE2013, Pterocomma populifoliae (Reddish Brown Poplar Aphid) Pp1965, Pterocomma smithiae (Black Willow Aphid) [found on twigs of poplar, cottonwood, aspen, & willow trees in Massachusetts, Ontario, & Missouri] BE2013 Crw2004, Thecabius affinis (Poplar-Buttercup Aphid) [galls are formed by folding poplar & cottonwood leaves, migrating during the summer to the roots & stems of buttercups; this aphid has been found in NE USA, upper north-central USA, & Canada; syn. Thecabius populiconduplifolius] BE2013 Crw2004, Thecabius populimonilis [forms rows of bead-like galls on leaves; found in Ontario, Manitoba, Minnesota, & areas farther west] BE2013; Cercopidae: Aphrophora quadrinotata (Four-Spotted Spittlebug) [fed on by adults only] Hm1982; Cicadellidae: Kybos copula DD2010; Diaspididae: Chionaspis longiloba (Long-lobed Scurfy Scale) [this insect is found in E USA & Oregon] SN2014, Chionaspis salicis (Willow Scurfy Scale) [found mainly on twigs & branches; this insect is polyphagous, although it prefers Salix spp. & Populus spp.; this insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Diaspidiotus gigas (Eurasian Willow Scale) [this insect is found in SE Canada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, some western states in the USA, & Eurasia] SN2014, Diaspidiotus perniciosus (San Jose Scale) [usually found on bark, polyphagous, although preferring woody species in the Rosaceae; this insect is widely distributed; syn. Comstockaspis perniciosa, syn. Quadraspidiotus perniciosus] SN2014, Lepidosaphes ulmi (Oystershell Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA, S Canada, & Eurasia] SN2014, Melanaspis tenebricosa (Gloomy Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect occurs in E USA & California] SN2014; Pseudococcidae: Heliococcus osborni (Osborn Mealybug) [polyphagous, mostly found on woody vegetation] SN2014, Heliococcus stachyos [found on twigs, branches, & roots; this insect has been found in Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC, & California] SN2014, Pseudococcus comstocki (Comstock Mealybug) [found on foliage, including lower side of leaves; polyphagous, feeding on woody vegetation; this insect is widely distributed in NE & north-central USA, it is also found in Ontario] SN2014 Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, & Sawflies) Cephidae: Janus abbreviatus (Willow Shoot Sawfly) [larvae bore into twigs] Sm2006; Cimbicidae: Cimbex americana (Elm Sawfly) [larvae feed on leaves, polyphagous] Sm2006, Trichiosoma triangulum Msh2006; Tenthredinidae: Nematus attus [larvae feed on leaves] Sm2006, Nematus limbatus [larvae feed on leaves] Sm2006, Nematus salicisodoratus [larvae feed on leaves] Sm2006 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Cossidae: Acossus centerensis (Poplar Carpenter Worm) [larvae bore into wood] Msh2006; Geometridae: Cabera erythemaria (Yellow-Dusted Cream Moth) Cv2005, Lobophora nivigerata (Powdered Bigwig) Wg2005, Lomographa semiclarata (Blue Spring Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Metanema inatomaria (Pale Metanema) Wg2005, Protitame virginalis (Virgin Moth) Wg2005, Protoboarmia porcelaria (Porcelain Gray) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Sicya macularia (Sharp-Lined Yellow) [polyphagous] Cv2005; Gracillariidae: Caloptilia stigmatella [larvae are leaf-rollers] Ndm1928, Phyllocnistis populiella (Poplar Serpentine Leaf-Miner) Msh2006 Ndm1928, Phyllonorycter apparella [larvae are blotch or tentiform leaf-miners] Mic2010; Heliozelidae: Coptodisca splendoriferella (Resplendent Shieldbearer) Ndm1928; Hesperiidae: Erynnis icelus (Dreamy Duskywing) [poplar & aspen are host plants] Bou2006 Wg2005 OK1984; Lasiocampidae: Malacosoma disstria (Forest Tent Caterpillar) [polyphagous] Cv2005 Msh2006, Phyllodesma americana (Lappet Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005 Msh2006; Limacodidae: Parasa indetermina (Stinging Rose Caterpillar) [polyphagous, found in southern IL] Cv2005, Prolimacodes badia (Skiff Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005; Lymantriidae: Dasychira vagans (Variable Tussock Moth) Msh2006, Lymantria dispar (Gypsy Moth) [intro. into N. America from abroad, polyphagous] Cv2005; Lyonetiidae: Paraleucoptera albella (Cottonwood Leafminer) [syn. Leucoptera albella] Ndm1928; Noctuidae: Acronicta americana (American Dagger Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005 Msh2006, Acronicta dactylina (Fingered Dagger Moth) Cv2005, Acronicta lepusculina (Cottonwood Dagger Moth) [feeds on aspen, poplar, & cottonwood] Cv2005 Wg2005, Acronicta noctivaga (Night-Wandering Dagger Moth) Cv2005 Wg2005, Catocala amatrix (The Sweetheart) Cv2005, Catocala briseis (Briseis Underwing) Cv2005, Catocala concumbens (Sleepy Underwing) Msh2006, Catocala parta (Mother Underwing) Cv2005, Catocala relicta (White Underwing) Cv2005, Catocala unijuga (Once-Married Underwing) Cv2005 Wg2005, Homoglaea hircina (Goat Sallow) [found on apsen & poplar] Cv2005, Ipimorpha pleonectusa (Even-Lined Sallow) [found on aspen] Cv2005, Nycteola frigidana (Frigid Owlet) Cv2005, Raphia frater (The Brother) [found on poplar & cottonwood] Cv2005 Msh2006 Wg2005, Scoliopteryx libatrix (The Herald) Cv2005, Simyra insularis (Henry's Marsh Moth) [syn. Simyra henrici, feeds on leaves, polyphagous] HG2009; Notodontidae: Clostera albosigma (Sigmoid Prominent) Cv2005, Clostera apicalis (Toothed Clostera) Wg2005, Furcula cinerea (Gray Furcula) [found on aspen & poplar] Cv2005, Gluphisia lintneri (Lintner's Gluphisia) Wg2005, Gluphisia septentrionis (Common Gluphisia) Cv2005 Wg2005, Misogada unicolor (Drab Prominent) [found on cottonwood] Cv2005, Odontosia elegans (Elegant Prominent) Cv2005 Wg2005, Pheosia rimosa (Black-Rimmed Prominent) [found in northern IL] Cv2005 Msh2006 Wg2005, Schizura concinna (Red-Humped Caterpillar) [polyphagous] Cv2005; Nymphalidae: Limenitis archippus (Viceroy) BS2001 Msh2006 Wg2005, Limenitis arthemis arthemis (White Admiral) [aspens are host plants] OK1984, Limenitis arthemis astyanax (Red-Spotted Purple) [larvae feed on leaves] BS2001 Wg2005, Nymphalis antiopa (Mourning Cloak) Msh2006 Wg2005, Nymphalis vau-album j-album (Compton Tortoiseshell) [larvae found on aspens in northern IL] BS2001 OK1984; Papilionidae: Papilio glaucus (Tiger Swallowtail) [polyphagous] BS2001; Pyralidae: Nephopterix basilaris Msh2006; Saturniidae: Hyalophora cecropia (Cecropia Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005 Wg2005; Sesiidae: Paranthrene tabaniformis (Dusky Clearwing) [larvae bore into twigs & branches] Msh2006, Sesia tibialis (Poplar Clearwing) [larvae bore through cambium of lower trunk & exposed roots of poplar, cottonwood, & aspen trees] Crw2004; Sphingidae: Pachysphinx modesta (Big Poplar Sphinx) Cv2005 Msh2006 Wg2005, Paonias excaecatus (Blinded Sphinx) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Paonias myops (One-Eyed Sphinx) Cv2005 Msh2006, Smerinthus cerisyi (One-Eyed Sphinx) Cv2005 Msh2006 Wg2005, Smerinthus jamaicensis (Twin-Spotted Sphinx) Wg2005, Sphinx kalmiae (Laurel Sphinx) Msh2006; Tortricidae: Apotomis deceptana (Deceptive Apotomis) Mlr1987, Apotomis infida [larvae feed within rolled leaves] Mlr1987, Apotomis removana (Green Aspen Leafroller) [larvae feed within rolled leaves] Mlr1987, Celypha cespitana (Celypha Moth) [larvae feed within tied leaves, polyphagous] Mlr1987, Cydia garacana [larvae probably feed underneath bark; this moth is found in NE Illinois & areas further east] Mlr1987, Cydia populana [larvae feed underneath bark; this moth is found NE of Illinois], Epinotia criddleana [larvae feed within buds & tied leaves; this moth is found mostly north & NE of Illinois, it is also found in some western states] Mlr1987, Epinotia solandriana (Birch-Aspen Leafroller Moth) [larvae feed within rolled leaves; this moth is found north & NE of Illinois] Mlr1987, Gypsonoma adjuncta [larvae feed within rolled leaves] Mlr1987, Gypsonoma fasciolana [larvae feed within rolled leaves; this moth is found mostly north of Illinois] Mlr1987, Gypsonoma substitutionis [larvae feed within rolled leaves] Mlr1987, Olethreutes fasciatana (Banded Olethreutes) [larvae feed within rolled leaves] Mlr1987, Olethreutes glaciana (Frosty Olethreutes) [larvae feed within rolled leaves] Mlr1987, Orthotaenia undulana (Dusky Leafroller Moth) [larvae feed within rolled leaves & on terminal growth] Mlr1987, Pseudosciaphila duplex (Spotted Aspen Leafroller) [larvae feed within rolled leaves] Mlr1987 Msh2006 Thysanoptera (Thrips) Thripidae: Thrips fallaciosus [polyphagous] Nk1994 |
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