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____________ Insects Feeding on these Plants: ____________ |
Symphyotrichum spp. (Aster) [Asteraceae] (A scientific synonym for this genus is Aster. Observations are from Blackman & Eastop.) Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Acuticauda asterensis [found on leaves & stems; this aphid has been observed in Colorado, Wisconsin, & New York] BE2013, Atarsos grindeliae [found on leaves; this aphid has been observed in Manitoba & Colorado] BE2013, Brachycaudus helichrysi (Leafcurl Plum Aphid) [curls leaves of plum trees, migrating during the summer to the stems & inflorescences of various herbaceous plants] BE2013, Illinoia goldamaryae [found on young growth; this aphid is distributed in E USA & Canada] BE2013, Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria [found on stems & flowerheads; this Eurasian aphid has been observed in NE USA & Canada] BE2013, Pleotrichophorus asterifoliae [found on undersides of lower leaves on plants growing in shady areas; this aphid has been observed in Wisconsin, Illinois, & Tennessee] BE2013, Prociphilus erigeronensis [found on the roots of many herbaceous plants in the Asteraceae, Poaceae, & Fabaceae; this aphid is widely distributed in the USA, it is also found in Ontario] BE2013, Uroleucon ambrosiae [possible misidentification of aphid species, which is usually found on the flowering stems of ragweed] BE2013, Uroleucon bradburyi [found in North Carolina] BE2013, Uroleucon crepusisiphon [found in Michigan, New York, & North Carolina; some records of Uroleucon ambrosiae on asters may refer to this aphid] BE2013, Uroleucon floricola [found on the flowerheads of an aster in Pennsylvania] BE2013, Uroleucon gravicorne [found in Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, North Carolina, & Pennsylvania] BE2013, Uroleucon macgillivrayae [distributed in NE USA & E Canada, including Illinois & Washington, D.C.] BE2013, Uroleucon olivei [found on stems of asters primarily; distributed in E USA & Canada, including Ontario & Manitoba; some records of Uroleucon ambrosiae on asters probably refer to this aphid species] BE2013, Uroleucon paucosensoriatum [found on stems & inflorescences; distributed in E USA & Canada, including Maine, Michigan, & Illinois] BE2013 |
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