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____________ Insects Feeding on this Plant: ____________ |
Ulmus rubra (Slippery Elm) [Ulmaceae] (Observations are from Hottes & Frison, Dmitriev & Dietrich, Clark et al., Marshall, Rider, Covell, MacRae, Needham et al., Blackman & Eastop, Wheeler et al., Opler & Krizek, Pepper, Braun, Cranshaw, ScaleNet, Baranowski & Slater) Coleoptera (Beetles) Buprestidae: Acmaeodera tubulus Mcr1991, Anthaxia viridifrons Mcr1991, Chrysobothris sexsignata [larvae bore through wood of dead trees] Mcr1991; Chrysomelidae: Monocesta coryli Clk2004, Xanthogaleruca luteola Clk2004; Curculionidae: Magdalis armicollis (Red Elm Bark Weevil) Msh2006 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Coreidae: Euthochtha galeator [polyphagous] BS1986; Miridae: Paraproba capitata WHM1983; Pentatomidae: Acrosternum hilaris (Green Stink Bug) [polyphagous] Rid2009, Euschistus tristigmus Rid2009 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Colopha graminis [forms cockscomb-like galls on the upper surfaces of elm leaves, migrating during the summer to the roots, stems, & leaves of various grasses] BE2013, Colopha ulmicola (Elm Cockscomb Aphid) [forms elongated cockscomb-like galls on elm leaves, migrating during the summer to the upper stems & leaves of Eragrostis spp. & possibly other grasses] BE2013, HF1931 Crw2004, Eriosoma crataegi (Woolly Hawthorn Aphid) [found on twigs & young shoots of hawthorns, migrating during the summer to the bark of elms] BE2013, Eriosoma lanigera HF1931, Eriosoma mimicum [probably forming leaf galls] BE2013, Eriosoma rileyi [found on the bark of trunks & branches, causing deformation of woody tissue; this aphid is found on elm throughout the year] BE2013, Georgiaphis gillettei [syn. Eriosoma gillettei, forms leaf-curl galls; this aphid is distributed in E USA, including Illinois] BE2013, Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa (Slippery Elm Gall Aphid) [forms galls on the midribs of elm leaves, migrating to the roots of Lycopus spp. & possibly other species in the Lamiaceae] HF1931 BE2013 Pp1965, Tinocallis ulmifolii (Elm Leaf Aphid) [found on the undersides of elm leaves; this aphid is distributed in north-central & NE USA, including Illinois] HF1931 BE2013 Pp1965; Cicadellidae: Eratoneura affinis [a preferred host plant] DD2010, Eratoneura basilaris [a preferred host plant] DD2010, Eratoneura bigemina [a preferred host plant] DD2010, Eratoneura bispinosa [a preferred host plant] DD2010, Eratoneura campora DD2010, Eratoneura clavipes DD2010, Eratoneura contracta DD2010, Eratoneura stoveri DD2010, Erythridula complicata DD2010, Erythridula ulmosa DD2010, Erythridula unicuspidis DD2010; Diaspididae: Chionaspis americana (Elm Scurfy Scale) [females are usually found on bark, while males are usually found on leaf undersides; this polyphagous insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Clavaspis ulmi (Elm Armored Scale) [usually found on rough bark, preferring Ulmus spp. as host plants; this insect occurs in E USA & Ontario] SN2014 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Gracillariidae: Cameraria ulmella (Elm Leafminer) Ndm1928, Phyllonorycter argentinotella [larvae are leaf-miners] Ndm1928; Nepticulidae: Nepticula apicialbella [larvae are leaf-miners, syn. Stigmella apicialbella] Ndm1928, Nepticula ulmella [larvae are leaf-miners, syn. Ectoedemia ulmella] Ndm1928; Noctuidae: Hypena abalienalis (White-Lined Hypena) [syn. Bomolocha abalienalis] Cv2005; Nymphalidae: Polygonia interrogationis (Questionmark) OK1984; Yponomeutidae: Argyresthia undulatella [larvae mine inner living bark of trunk & branches] Br1921 |
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