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____________ Insects Feeding on these Plants: ____________ |
Vitis spp. (Wild Grapes) [Vitaceae] (Observations are from Vestal, Yanega, Knight, Osborn & Drake, Thomas, Marshall, Vance, Wagner, Rider, Dennis, Microleps website, Clark et al., Dmitriev & Dietrich, Stannard, DeLong, Arnett & Jacques, Milne & Milne, Covell, Cranshaw, Arment, Needham et al., Aldrich & Osten-Sacken, Smith, Blackman & Eastop, Wheeler et al., Watson, Hamilton, Miller, Pepper, Majka et al., Braun, ScaleNet) Coleoptera (Beetles) Bostrichidae: Amphicerus bicaudatus (Apple Twig Borer) MM1980; Cerambycidae: Clytoleptus albofasciatus (Grape Trunk Borer) [larvae bore through wood of dead & dying vines] Ya1996, Phymatodes amoenum [larvae bore through wood of dead vines] Msh2006 Ya1996, Saperda puncticollis (Woodbine Borer) [larvae bore through wood of dead & dying vines] Ya1996; Chrysomelidae: Altica chalybea (Grape Flea Beetle) [adults & larvae feed on foliage] Clk2004 Crw2004, Altica foliacea (Apple Flea Beetle) [adults & larvae feed on foliage] Crw2004, Colaspis brunnea (Grape Colaspis) [adults feed on foliage] Crw2004, Fidia viticida (Grape Rootworm) Msh2006, Paria aterrima [abundant on foliage] Vst1913; Curculionidae: Ampeloglypter ampelopsis (Grape Cane Girdler) [larvae tunnel into shoots, which wilt & die] Crw2004, Ampeloglypter sesostris (Grape Cane Gallmaker) [larvae tunnel into shoots, swellings occur where eggs are laid] Crw2004, Madarellus undulatus [this insect is found in E & central USA, & SE Canada] MAM2007; Scarabaeidae: Anomala lucicola (Light-Loving Grapevine Beetle) [feeds on leaves primarily at night] Vst1913, Pelidnota punctatus (Spotted Pelidnota) [adults feed on foliage] AJ1981 MM1980 Msh2006, Popillia japonica (Japanese Beetle) [adults feed on foliage] Crw2004 Diptera (Flies) Cecidomyiidae: Lasioptera vitis [larvae form swellings on stems and petioles] AOS1905, Neolasioptera vitinea [larvae form slender galls on petioles] Msh2006, Schizomyia viticola (Grape Tube Gallmaker) [larvae form spike-like galls on both the lower and upper sides of leaves] AOS1905 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Miridae: Ceratocapsus modestus [found in damp situations with abundant vegetation; this is a predator that feeds on eggs of the Grape Phylloxera] Kn1941 WHM1983 Wat1928, Ceratocapsus pumilus [this is a predator that feeds on mites & aphids sometimes found on grapevines] Kn1941 Wat1928, Hyaliodes harti [this is a predator that feed on mites, mite eggs, aphids, & psyllids sometimes found on grapevines] WHM1983, Hyaliodes vitripennis [this is a predator that feeds on mites & aphids sometimes found on grapevines] WHM1983, Paraproba capitata [found in moist situations; this is a predator that feeds on mites, mite eggs, aphids, & immature leafhoppers sometimes found on grapevines] Wat1928, Paraxenetus guttulatus Kn1941 Wat1928, Phytocoris minutulus WHM1983, Taedia scrupea [found in shaded situations & along streams] Kn1941 Wat1928; Pentatomidae: Acrosternum hilaris (Green Stink Bug) [polyphagous] Rid2009, Brochymena quadripustulata (Four-Humped Stink Bug) [polyphagous] Rid2009, Chlorochroa ligata (Conchuela Stink Bug) Rid2009, Neottiglossa undata Rid2009, Parabrochymena arborea (Arboreal Stink Bug) [polyphagous] Rid2009; Piesmatidae: Piesma cinerea (Ash-Gray Leaf Bug) OD1916 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Aphis citricola [polyphagous] HF1931, Aphis illinoisensis (Grapevine Aphid) [feeds on new leaves & tender stems] HF1931 Th1877 BE2013 Pp1965; Cercopidae: Aphrophora gelida (Boreal Spittlebug) [host plants of nymphs only; this spittlebug is found in Canada, Appalachian Mountains, & North Carolina] Hm1982, Aphrophora quadrinotata (Four-Spotted Spittlebug) [fed on by both adults & nymphs] Hm1982; Cicadellidae: Erasmoneura fulmina [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erasmoneura vulnerata [= Erythroneura vulnerata] DD2010 Dlg1948, Eratoneura tricincta (Three-Banded Leafhopper) [= Erythroneura tricincta, preferred host plants] Crw2004 DD2010 Msh2006, Erythroneura amanda DD2010, Erythroneura aza [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura bakeri [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura beameri [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura bistrata DD2010, Erythroneura calycula [preferred host plants, polyphagous] DD2010, Erythroneura carinata DD2010, Erythroneura coloradensis [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura comes (Eastern Grape Leafhopper) [preferred host plants, polyphagous, sucks juices from foliage] Crw2004 Dlg1948 MM1980 Msh2006 Vst1913, Erythroneura cymbium [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura delicata [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura diva [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura elegans DD2010, Erythroneura festiva DD2010, Erythroneura maculata Dlg1948, Erythroneura nudata DD2010, Erythroneura octonotata (Eight-Spotted Leafhopper) DD2010, Erythroneura ortha DD2010, Erythroneura reflecta [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura rubra [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura vitifex [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura vitis [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura ziczac (Virginia Creeper Leafhopper) DD2010 Dlg1948, Hymetta balteata [polyphagous] DD2010, Hymetta trifasciata DD2010; Diaspididae: Chionaspis salicis (Willow Scurfy Scale) [found mainly on twigs & branches; this insect is polyphagous, although it prefers Salix spp. & Populus spp.; this insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Diaspidiotus juglansregiae (English Walnut Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Diaspidiotus osborni (Osborn Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is found in E USA & Ontario] SN2014, Diaspidiotus uvae (Grape Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous, although Vitis spp. are preferred hosts; this insect occurs in E USA] SN2014, Lepidosaphes ulmi (Oystershell Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA, S Canada, & Eurasia] SN2014, Melanaspis obscura (Obscure Scale) [found on bark; this insect occurs in E USA & California] SN2014, Melanaspis tenebricosa (Gloomy Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect occurs in E USA & California] SN2014; Membracidae: Archasia belfragei [polyphagous] Den1952, Stictocephala taurina [polyphagous] Den1952; Phylloxeridae: Daktulasphaira vitifoliae (Grape Phylloxera) [forms galls on leaves & roots] Msh2006 BE2013; Pseudococcidae: Chorizococcus shaferi [probably polyphagous; found in Missouri & Mississippi] SN2014, Pseudococcus maritimus (Grape Mealybug) [found on foliage, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed] Crw2004 SN2014 Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, & Sawflies) Tenthredinidae: Erythraspides vitis (Grape Sawfly) [larvae feed on foliage] Sm2006 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Arctiidae: Grammia arge (Arge Tiger Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005; Geometridae: Dyspteris abortivaria (The Bad Wing) Cv2005 Msh2006, Eulithis diversilineata (Lesser Grapevine Looper) Cv2005 Wg2005, Eulithis gracilineata (Greater Grapevine Looper) Wg2005, Eupithecia miserulata (Common Pug) [larvae feed on flowers] Wg2005; Gracillariidae: Phyllocnistis vitegenella [larvae are leaf-miners] Ndm1928, Phyllocnisitis vitifoliella [serpentine leaf-miner] Mic2010 Ndm1928; Heliozelidae: Antispila ampelopsifoliella [larvae are leaf-miners] Ndm1928, Antispila isabella [larvae are leaf-miners] Ndm1928, Antispila viticordifoliella [blotch leaf-miner] Mic2010 Ndm1928, Heliozella aesella [larvae form flattened galls on leaves] Mic2010 Br1921; Limacodidae: Archaria stimulea (Saddleback Caterpillar) [syn. Sibine stimulea, polyphagous, found in southern IL] Cv2005; Lyonetiidae: Lyonetia prunifoliella [larvae are leaf-miners] Ndm1928; Noctuidae: Alypia octomaculata (Eight-Spotted Forester) [larvae feed on leaves & tendrils] Crw2004 Cv2005 MM1980 Msh2006 Wg2005, Eudryas grata (Beautiful Wood Nymph) Cv2005 Msh2006 Wg2005, Eudryas unio (Pearly Wood Nymph) Cv2005 Msh2006, Psychomorpha epimenis (Grapevine Epimenis) [larvae feed on leaves] Cv2005 Wg2005; Pyralidae: Desmia funeralis (Grape Leaf-Folder Moth) Crw2004 Cv2005 Msh2006; Sesiidae: Paranthrene polistiformis (Grape Root Borer) [syn. Vitacea polistiformis, larvae bore into roots] Crw2004 Cv2005; Sphingidae: Amphion floridensis (Nessus Sphinx) [syn. Amphion nessus] Cv2005 Wg2005, Darapsa myron (Hog Sphinx) Crw2004 MM1980 Msh2006 Wg2005, Deidama inscripta (Lettered Sphinx) Cv2005 Wg2005, Eumorpha achemon (Achemon Sphinx) Crw2004 Cv2005, Eumorpha pandorus (Pandorus Sphinx) Cv2005 MM1980 Msh2006 Wg2005, Hyles lineata (White-Lined Sphinx) [polyphagous] Crw2004 MM1980; Sphecodina abbottii (Abbott's Sphinx) Cv2005 Msh2006 Wg2005; Thyrididae: Pseudothyris sepulchralis (Mournful Thyris) [syn. Thyris sepulchralis, larvae are leaf-rollers] Cv2005 Msh2006, Thyris maculata (Spotted Thyris) [larvae are leaf-rollers] Msh2006; Tortricidae: Paralobesia viteana (Grape Berry Moth) [larvae feed on flower buds, tender shoots, & young fruit] Crw2004 Msh2006 Mlr1987; Yponomeutidae: Yponomeuta padella (Orchard Ermine) [larvae form webs over leaves] Ndm1928; Zygaenidae: Harrisina americana (Grape Leaf Skeletonizer) [found in southern IL] Crw2004 Cv2005 MM1980 Msh2006 Wg2005 Phasmatodea (Walkingsticks) Diapheromeridae: Megaphasma denticrus (Giant Walkingstick) [polyphagous] Arm2006 MM1980 Thysanoptera (Thrips) Thripidae: Drepanothrips reuteri (Grape Thrips) [feeds on leaves] St1968 Van1974, Heterothrips vitis (Grape-Bud Thrips) [feeds on opening buds of flowers] St1968 |
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